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Showing posts from June, 2022

Five most innovative and sustainable water bottles

Cover Feature: Five most innovative water bottles selected by ODM V2 Five most innovative water bottles Water bottles are now becoming smart. Recently launched water bottles have the capability to track your hydration level and can remind you to drink water when the hydration level is below a predefined level. Some water bottles can either increase or decrease the temperature of the water in the container. Some alternatives come with blue tooth speaker/stirrer/fuser/wifi etc electronic devices. Some variation of smart water bottles has the ability to self-purify when needed. Here in this feature, we try to find the most innovative smart water bottles that are available on the eCommerce sites with the help of ODM. Now let us continue with the regular features : News about Sustainability Audi e-tron's used batteries in e-rickshaws by Nunam A new study finds inactive yeast could be effective as an inexpensive, abundant, and simple material for removing lead contamination from drinking