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Showing posts from April, 2023

First Edition of HydroGeek Newsletter for the year 2023 Launched

First Edition of HydroGeek Launched You will be happy to know that the first edition of the HydroGeek Newsletter of the year 2023 is launched The content of the first edition is as given below : Cover Feature: The Free Software for Water Resource Management Feature 1: A case study of the ELECTRE Decision-Making Method in Water Resource: How to use the technique in the selection of the best solution among the available many. Feature 2: Project Idea on Climate Change Impact Studies Feature 3: Instrument Recommendation: An instrument that can monitor more than seven water quality parameters in real-time Regular Features: News and Views, Recommended New and Old Books, More Project Ideas, etc. Click here to access it. #hydrology #hydroinformatics #newsletter @data_hydrology , @Merchandise or @ @products_sustainability Add to Listy /

Peatlands can store more carbon than all the forest of the World

Most people attribute rainforests as the biggest natural carbon sink. But there’s another equally important, often overlooked type of natural carbon sink which is known as peatlands. “Peatland is a terrestrial wetland ecosystem in which the production of organic matter exceeds its decomposition and a net accumulation of peat results.”..Click here to read more about Peatland. These peatlands can conserve biodiversity, purify water and reduce flooding and soil erosion, good for planting certain crops, such as potatoes and carrots. During the mapping of global peatlands, it can be found that there is more data for the northern hemisphere compared to the southern hemisphere and the tropics. High-quality peatland extent data are only available for a small selection of countries and regions, including Canada, Sweden, and West Siberia. Click here to know more. @data_hydrology , @Merchandise or @ @products_sustainability Add to Listy /

FREEWAT : The Free Software for Water Resource Management

What is it? A free open-source software plugin that integrates three different groups of software that can simulate and optimize water resource-related problems. This software will work as a plugin for Q-GIS software. What it does? The software tries to simplify the application of the Water Framework Directive and other EU water-related Directives. by providing an easy-to-use input GUI and a highly sophisticated visualization window that can be integrated with common GIS software. The software comprises the following tools : As a composite plugin, FREEWAT is designed as a modular ensemble of different tools. In this framework, the following modules or group of software is available: Hydro-geological and Hydro-chemical Module : This group of tools will enable users of the software to analyze, interpret, and visualize hydrogeological and hydrochemical data and quality issues. These tools will also focus on advanced time series analysis, which can be integrated into the akvaGIS module. Hy

Waste water can detect future epidemic

“Researchers analysing wastewater say that routine monitoring at sewage treatment works could provide a powerful early warning system for the next flu or norovirus epidemic, alerting hospitals to prepare and providing public health agencies with vital health information.”.. Science Daily . Scientists at the University of Bath, Bangor University, and the UK Heath Security Agency analyzed wastewater from 10 cities for both chemical and biological markers of health, including pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and disease-causing viruses. Click here to read the entire article. @data_hydrology , @Merchandise or @ @products_sustainability Add to Listy /