"Maximizing or minimizing some function comparative to some set, often demonstrating a range of choices available in a certain situation. The function allows evaluation of the different choices for determining which might be “best.”....Definition of optimization. In optimization, we try to maximize/minimize/achieve a target value by changing some variables of an objective equation. Optimization is used to solve problems in a multidisciplinary field including water resources. The problems like solving multi-reservoir optimization, water allocation problems, economic optimization of water-based systems, performance optimization of water treatment plants, etc. can be easily solved by the application of various classical and new optimization techniques. If you search on the internet, especially through Sciencedirect or Springer Portals you will find multiple papers on the Optimization Technique and its application to water resource problems For example, the following are some of the c
Aim for Sustainability with Hydrology : Come here for different news and views about water conservation and how informatics can help in the same.