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Three Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Used in Weather Forecasting

UAV used in Weather Monitoring

The UAV applications in weather monitoring are increasing and in the future, many places on the Earth is slowly becoming inaccessible to human being due to climate change and its impacts like wildfire, flood, etc. This video shows the three most used UAVs in weather monitoring and forecasting.

Airmar’s 150WX WeatherStation

 UK’s National Oceanography Centre (NOC) has selected this UAV for monitoring and gathering weather information with the help of its 150WX WeatherStation Instrument. This instrument can measure wind speed, air temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity data for a long duration.

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Hobby king Bixler 2.0 + Weather Monitoring Sensors

A Hobbyking Bixler 2.0 plane fitted with multiple sensors which can measure humidity, temperature, and CO levels. A wireless camera is mounted in the aircraft for providing visual inputs to the user. Various pollutants can also be recognized and identified. This new project had modified an existing unmanned vehicle into a sophisticated weather monitoring station at much less cost compared to other available UAVs.

New Drones of OSU

Oklahoma State University is developing new drones to gather information from more parts of the Earth’s atmosphere. This will help forecasters to predict the weather after one hour also. Their drones are utilized to gather climatic information from more parts of the troposphere to identify the exact correlations that exist between the causal parameters of weather patterns.

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