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Five New Ideas for Opening Start Ups in Water Conservation

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"Water is a key element for the process industry and a core component for recycling and sustainable management. In industry, water fulfills many functions, including its use as raw material, as a means of transport as well as its use for cleaning and cooling"(source) "The global Smart Water Management market size is expected to grow USD 13.8 billion in 2021 to USD 22.4 billion by 2026, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.1% during the forecast period"(source). Intelligent water conservation and management techniques need to be adopted by the industry such that water can be optimally utilized. Now as per the forecast and recent occurrence of extreme events the necessity of such management has become more significant. Based on this need, some start-up businesses can be established which can help to achieve the water conservation goals. Five such ideas are discussed below.

1)Climate Risk Assessment Report Preparation Services

Every organization nowadays tries to prepare the Climate Risk Assessment Report to avoid any regulatory measures from the city administration.

“Climate risk assessment, also known as climate change risk assessment, is a systematic process to identify potential hazards from climate-related events, trends, forecasts, and projections, so you can start developing plans to avoid or manage these risks”(Perillion).

CRA Report preparation service can be a lucrative opportunity and start-ups can be established based on this possibility. If anyone has knowledge of water/environment/hydrology and informatics he/she can use it for the preparation of CRA for various companies and can earn handsome money from this business.

2)Water Quality Indicator Analysis Services

Water Quality is an important parameter that needs to be determined for various purposes. Water quality is one of the most important factors in a healthy ecosystem. Clean water supports a diversity of plants and wildlife. Drinking water quality varies from place to place, depending on the condition of the source water from which it is drawn and the treatment it receives, but it must meet government regulations and standards. Due to natural hazards also the quality of water can be degraded and may become vulnerable which can lead to health disasters. For example, monitoring Turbidity at dredging sites or Dissolved Oxygen at hydropower facilities, or various water quality parameters at Inland Lake, stream, and river help to maintain not only human well-being but also the socio-economical and environmental status of the dependant region.

So monitoring the quality of water is essential for a business as well as residential complexes to maintain the health and sanity of the area. So an app can be developed connected to a real-time monitoring device, measuring the major quality parameters. The app can alert the user when water quality degrades beyond a minimum threshold. It may also show the mitigation measures to reverse the degradation and to maintain the quality of water as per the prevalent standards.

3)Development of Vulnerability Indicator based Apps for Business or Residential Arenas with respect to the water pipe network

The sensitivity or susceptibility of any system with respect to a problem can be found out by vulnerability analysis. Such analysis can also highlight the capacity of the system to withstand the adversary. Many business or housing areas are vulnerable to water-related problems which can have a huge impact on the resident of that area. Such areas depend on pipe networks for the supply of water to each of the consumers. Whenever leakage or reversal of pressure etc. problems takes place in the pipeline, the entire complex can become water-less. To prevent such hazards Vulnerability Indicator apps can be developed which can in real-time monitor the vulnerability of the pipe network. Once a vulnerability is detected it can alert the responsible people who can take appropriate measures to reduce the exposure due to that vulnerability.

4)Flood Potential Indicator

The flood Potential of a site is required to be analyzed before the approval of any project as the high probability of flood will make the site vulnerable to flood-related hazards. So the Flood Potential Indicator-based App can be made to analyze the flood potential of different areas of a state/country. The advanced technology of GIS can be utilized in this aspect. Maps with various layers can be prepared and flood potential can be approximated from those maps by the user of the app. A subscription-based service can be offered to interested customers.

5)Drought Probability Indicator
The water availability situation of a location can be analyzed for different time duration to identify drought-prone or drought-like situations. A drought is defined as "a period of abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged for the lack of water to cause a serious hydrologic imbalance in the affected area." -Glossary of Meteorology (1959).

In easier to understand terms, a drought is a period of unusually persistent dry weather that persists long enough to cause serious problems such as crop damage and/or water supply shortages. The severity of the drought depends upon the degree of moisture deficiency, the duration, and the size of the affected area.

But the problem is drought can not be identified objectively. Again, once a drought-like situation takes place the productivity of the relevant industry gets compromised." Businesses that depend on farming, like companies that make tractors and food, may lose business when drought damages crops or livestock"(source). If an indicator can be developed which can represent and identify the drought or drought-like situation based on the real-time climatic data, then the impact due to such hazards can be avoided or minimized by adopting mitigative technologies. The same index can be used to approximate the chance of drought in the coming days. An app can be developed which can deliver these types of data to the subscriber.

Presently the water-related problems and their hazards are not objectively managed in most of the industries and big housing complexes. However in the future when water will become precious, demand for such services will take its peak. That is why developing startups now, based on such app-based services to manage and conserve water optimally, will be a lucrative idea.

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