New Research Idea: Comparison of Submergence Potential of Different Micro-Watersheds with respect to Different level of Urbanization
The water supplied to domestic households has many types of contaminants which have the potential to create health irregularities in the consumer family. Among these contaminants, eight most common impurities were identified, and the type of filter which can remove or reduce them was delineated in the figure. Before procuring a water filter remember to see this chart. It will help to understand the impurities that the selected water filter can remove. Any water filters available in the market are generally made of one or more of these filters. To decide wisely use the concepts of MCDM to select your filters. Compare the filters available in the market with respect to Cost, Contaminant Removal Efficiency, Maintenance requirement, and type of filters used and rate each filter based on these factors with the help of AHP or ANP techniques. The result will be the filter that will be most efficient for your use. You can also use the ODM tool to come to a decision regarding the procurement o...