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Seven most coveted job openings for hydroinformatics engineering

Seven most coveted job openings for hydroinformatics engineering

Topics related to informatics (AI,ML,IoT,ICT) and its applications in water resources development are referred to as Hydroinformatics Engineering. In recent years, the demand for educated manpower in this field has increased manifold. As a result, job opportunities related to this field have increased proportionally. This post is about the seven most desired job opportunities that are available only for hydro informatics engineers.

1) Data Engineers of Water Related Projects

The data engineers develop and apply technology-enabled, digital solutions to some of the world’s most pressing water-related challenges to harness the power of data, advanced analytics, and modelling for acquiring real-time insights at the global, regional, and local levels. The jobs of data engineers include but are not limited to hydrodynamic modelling, water quality modelling of inland and coastal water systems, weather management, operational management systems etc. where technologies of data analysis are required to be implemented for the identification and solution of the real problems which impends the optimal utilization of the available water resources.

Basic Education: One of the degrees must be in Hydroinformatics
Example Job Openings: ,

2) Instrument Development for detection of various water-related parameters

Water quality testing instruments are used to test water for chemical and biological agents, and to measure variables such as clarity and rate of movement. These instruments provide a standard tool that can be used to collect information from various water sources. Water quality testing instruments can monitor water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, nitrogen/phosphorus concentration, turbidity, macroinvertebrates, and levels of pesticides and toxic chemicals. Engineers with knowledge in data as well as water resources are required to solve the maintenance and upgradation-related issues of such instruments. Also to design a new instrument multidisciplinary knowledge is required specially from the field of civil, electrical, electronics and mechanical engineering. The person must also be acquainted with the advanced software technologies as most instruments nowadays operate with the help of software. That is why this job is most suitable and also most desired by a hydro informatics engineer as such courses have the interdisciplinary topics required to work in this field of instrument design, development and maintenance.

Basic Education: One of the degrees must be in Hydroinformatics

3) Development of Information Systems for Water Management

‘Single Window’ solution for comprehensive, authoritative and consistent data & information of water resources along with allied natural resources in a standardized national GIS framework with tools to search, access, visualize, understand and analyze the data for assessment, monitoring, planning, development and finally Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Based on the requirements and data availability, such web-based portals or information system has separate layers for the representation of separate water parameters for a certain location. The list below provides an illustration :

1) Watershed Atlas
2) Administrative Layers
3) Water Resources Projects
4) Thematic Layers
5) Environmental Data

4) Pipenetwork Consultant

The Pipe Network Hydraulic Analysis Consultant will be responsible for undertaking pipe network hydraulic design to the feasibility stage for pipe networks in the target towns using approved and appropriate hydraulic analysis software.

This type of job involves the following responsibilities :
  • Hydraulic design of new sections as determined in master plan update.
  • Improved management of the demand and supply areas
  • Hydraulic analysis of existing network and recommendation for changes/improvements to ensure optimal hydraulic performance

Basic Education: One of the degrees must be in Hydroinformatics

5)Development and implementation of algorithms for operational optimization of water distribution and transmission systems, and treatment systems

This position is focused on the development and implementation of algorithms and analytics for operational optimization of wastewater collection systems, drinking water distribution and transmission systems, and treatment systems, as well as the interactions between these systems through the use of real-time data, hydraulic modelling, machine learning and advanced control systems. This position will be primarily focused on optimizing wastewater networks and treatment systems. The knowledge of GIS is essential along with a little exposure to WaterCAD, Storm CAD, and Smart Plant 3D will be beneficial.

Basic Education: One of the degrees must be in Hydroinformatics

6)Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeller

 These types of jobs are generated to support the execution and management of consultancy projects in the field of Urban Hydrology and Water Resource Management. The responsibilities include but are not limited to :

  • Solve open-ended water resources problems by applying optimization techniques and innovative data analytics over sensor data and hydraulic models. 
  • Facilitate integration of digital solutions across water sectors
  • Develop and manage large datasets
  • Translate data analytics into a language understood by water resource engineers 

Basic Education: One of the degrees must be in Hydroinformatics
Example Job Openings:

7) Climate and Lands Analyst

The role of the Climate and Land Analysts is to compute, with machine learning and artificial intelligence, Big Water Data retrieved from across the entire hydrological cycle - over land, oceans, and populated or unpopulated areas to understand the land-climate-water interactions. Successful computation of big data analysis will help to protect lands and waters in order to combat the climate crisis, forestall the extinction crisis, and "close the nature equity gap".

Basic Education: One of the degrees must be in Hydroinformatics
Example Job Openings: Sierra Club

Abbreviations : 
AI - Artificial Intelligence
ML - Machine learning,
IoT : Internet of Things,
ICT : Integrated Communication Technologies

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