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Arsenic responsible for gallbladder cancer ?

Arsenic responsible for gallbladder cancer  ?

In a recent study, it was found that "chronic arsenic exposure in drinking water even at low-moderate levels can cause...Gall Bladder Cancer(GBC)". Assam and Bihar are two states in the country that report maximum GBC cases and they have maximum Arsenic load in groundwater or tubewell water that they consume. 

This link between GBC cases and the amount of Arsenic in water imbibes the conclusion that the more Arsenic more will be the risk of GBC. 

The study area was Assam and Bihar where a load of Arsenic varies from 10g/l to even 1500g/l.

The sample population used in the study has a residential time span of 15 to 70 years which ensures minimum to maximum exposure to the groundwater of the area.

When the Arsenic load is 1.3 to 8.9g/l risk of GBC is two times whereas when the load is 9.1 to 448.3g/l the risk is 2.4 times.

But the point here is for a change in Arsenic concentration from 8.9 to 448.3g/l (i.e.,49.37 times) the cases of GBC rose by  20%. Is this sensitivity sufficient to analyze the conclusion of the study?

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